We work with some of the leading OEMs on empowering their dealer network's cybersecurity excellence.
Every manufacturer should have cybersecurity control frameworks in place to ensure the integrity of your IT security. At Sedona Safeguard, we work with OEMs to design their control frameworks to align to existing standards.
Since an OEM's brand is on the door of every dealership, it's important for them to develop Dealer Security Control Frameworks. Just ask John Deere. Its DSCF program has elevated IT security across the entire dealer network.
Who says cybersecurity should be a cost center for manufacturers? Work with Sedona Safeguard to build a program that delivers cybersecurity excellence for your dealer network as a service and deliver revenue to your topline.
It is your brand on the dealer's door. Elevate your dealerships' IT security and reduce your cyber risk. Work with us to develop your Dealer Security Control Framework to support your dealers towards IT security excellence.
We help manufacturers implement their Dealer Security Control Frameworks across their dealer network by delivering it as a turnkey managed program. This ensures compliance and reduces the cyber risk to dealers and OEMs alike.
Our cybersecurity solutions are directly aligned with John Deere's Dealer Security Control Framework.
This framework consolidates
CIS v8 into 98 recommended or required controls
specific to John Deere dealerships.
At Sedona Safeguard, we partner with Manufacturers to help elevate cybersecurity efforts. Specifically, we collaborate with OEMs to plan dealer security frameworks to drive an alignment to industry standards, and thus lowering your risk as the OEM. Furthermore, delivering it as an end-to-end program provides a turnkey solution for you. It's your brand on the lot sign. You must protect it.
We work with CISOs to help drive security best practices throughout your dealer network based upon decades of experience working with dealers in collaboration with OEMs. Our contributions to dealer security frameworks coupled with turnkey solutions create a compliance and implementation program that delivers lower risk and improved security posture in a cost-effective manner.
The day-to-day management of cybersecurity is challenging enough. There never seems to be enough hours in the day to get all your security needs done. Let us eliminate your need to support your dealers though our comprehensive dealer-focused cybersecurity program based upon decades of experience working with leading dealers across North America.
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Moline, IL 61265
Sedona Technologies Services
Dealer Solutions
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