Safeguard True Managed Detection & Response proactively hunts threats and provides rapid response with live security experts to mitigate cyber threats.
Offloads real-time monitoring duties from IT staff to live well-trained security experts.
Utilizes a live security experts to actively monitor activities and swiftly address any breaches.
Our live SOC team actively seeks out and neutralizes hidden threats within your environment.
Sedona Safeguard True Managed Detection & Response (TMDR) is an enhanced security service designed to provide organizations with continuous, expert-level monitoring and rapid response to cyber threats. Utilizing advanced proprietary technology tailored for both traditional IT and cloud-based infrastructures. This comprehensive service is dedicated to drastically reducing the time it takes to detect and respond to threats.
Continuous, round-the-clock security monitoring and comprehensive threat detection.
Specialized, targeted response capabilities for the two largests cloud-based platforms.
Rapid, immediate breach response and proactive, diligent threat searching.
SOC-driven threat detection with comprehensive, detailed network insights.
Robust, automatic halting of diverse ransomware attacks, including rapid drive-by incidents.
Enhanced visibility and actionable insights for internal, external, and cloud-based vulnerabilities.
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Moline, IL 61265
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